Articles in this series
Side Hustle Graphic Design Portfolio project 6- Redesigning the logo of some popular brands The side hustle bootcamp cohort 5 has come to an end. The...
Side Hustle Graphic Design Portfolio project 5- Designing a full page newspaper ads for a tech brand The side hustle bootcamp cohort 5 is gradually...
Side Hustle Graphic Design Portfolio project 4- Designing a key card for a luxurious hotel. The side hustle bootcamp cohort 5 is gradually coming to...
Side Hustle Graphic Design Portfolio project 3- Album cover and music artworks Introduction The bootcamp has been going on well. Though the projects...
Side Hustle Graphic Design Portfolio project 2- Branded Items for BrainGeek International Introduction This is the continuation of the project that...
Introduction Side Hustle Internship 5.0 Bootcamp - Portfolio graphics design team 1 The brand BrainGeek International came about after several...